Electroformed Smoky Quartz Necklace • Intuition, Grounding, Protection, Manifestation


Smoky quartz, with its rich earthy tones, carries a host of metaphysical properties and benefits that make it a sought-after crystal for spiritual and emotional well-being. This captivating stone is known as a powerful grounding and protective crystal, capable of absorbing and transmuting negative energies. It acts as a spiritual shield, shielding its wearer from electromagnetic radiation and environmental pollutants while promoting a sense of stability and balance. Smoky quartz also possesses a unique ability to gently dissolve emotional blockages, releasing negative patterns, and promoting emotional healing. It is revered for its calming energy, alleviating stress, anxiety, and fear, and encouraging a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace. Furthermore, this crystal is believed to enhance focus, clarity of thought, and intuition, making it an ideal companion for meditation and spiritual practices. Embrace the transformative energy of smoky quartz and embark on a journey of grounding, protection, and emotional rejuvenation.

 • Necklace will be chosen at random - every pendant is one of a kind and varies slightly in size, shape and coloring. Pendants range in size from 2-2.5" long
 • Every pendant comes on a 2.4mm antiqued copper plated 24 inch ball chain
 • All of our crystals are charged in sunlight & during the most recent full moon.
 • All items are stored in a dog loving, smoke free home!
 • DISCLAIMER : We, at Manifesting Daydreams, are not doctors and cannot give out medical advice. Healing crystals should be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for medical treatment, diagnosis, or examination. For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

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